
Thursday, December 17, 2009

Today's Highlights

Well, tonight I FINALLY got our tree decorated! We got the tree nearly two weeks ago, and Ben put lights on that night. Since then it hasn't changed! Partially that was so Jake could get used to it and partially because I didn't take the time! So tonight I finally put on our non-breakable ornaments (and put them up fairly high) to hopefully avoid a puppy catastrophe! So far he's only sniffed the tree and tried to munch on it a little bit! haha

Tonight another thing car, Holly Honda, hit 200,000 miles! I am so blessed to have such a great car, and I hope she continues to be so wonderful!

Well, I suppose that's all for now. I hope you're all enjoying the season and finding time to reflect on the miracle of the incarnation...Emmanuel, God with us!

P. S. I'm not sure how pics will link in...still playing with this formatting from emailing my posts to my blog!

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your tree looks lovely! You have Jakers to worry about-and we have Coal. He's 4 but still thinks the ornaments are toys to be bat at. Oh well- he's worth an ornament-or two :-)