
Monday, December 15, 2008

I'm Baaaccckk!!

I've been a bad blogger...yes, indeed. But I'm back! I've recently had some technical issues, but hopefully all will be running smoothly from here on out! We've gotten quite a bit done with the house since my last post, so here's some updates on our ever-growing project!

This is taken from the second floor of the house while we were working on getting sheathing on.

Our brother-in-law Matt came down to help for a day. His long arms and legs were put to good use!

A view from inside the second floor (where a bedroom will be) toward the pond

A closer view of the pond...have I told you how excited I am to wakeup to these views!?

The house almost fully sheathed in

The inside of the second floor once the sheathing was on

The garage has a roof! Doesn't it look cool?!

The house...more fully sheathed

The house with a roof and the garage with some house wrap on

A closer look at the garage...looking good!

A view from the back of the house and garage at the current status

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Oh my goodness! I thought at first it was a figment of my imagination! WOW! It's REAL!!!!!! Welcome back my friend! :-) And this beautiful house pictures are making me homesick for PA and the our beautiful sunsets every night. Can I come spend the night at your house every one in a while to help me with my homesickness???